TPL MOMS Blog  Carolane Stratis | TPL MOMS


Back to school can be quite complicated for many, including our little ones who will have to adjust to new surroundings, new friends, a new teacher and a stricter routine. Although my daughter won’t be starting school until next year, I’m already noting ideas for making the transition as stress-free as possible. So, I want to pass on my top 5 activities and tips for a smooth back-to-school.

1. Get your kids involved in buying AND MAKING their own school supplies:

Shopping together with a list of school supplies can be a nightmare. But thanks to online shopping, things are a whole lot easier! I let my child choose, and if it doesn’t work out with the school’s list, I then make the final decision, not my child! Getting kids to make their own pencil case (there are zillions of DIY craft ideas out there for all abilities) or simply a pencil holder from rolls of bathroom tissue that can be decorated with stickers and paint can help ease back-to-school anxiety.

Pencil holder tutorial:

Pencil-shape pencil case tutorial: 

Cascades Fluff Tuff Back to School

Credit: iStock


2. Finishing family projects started in the summer:

Fast on the heels of a return to routine comes fall (no use denying it)—an ideal time to finish projects started in the summer. Oh yes, the perfect time to put the final touches on that herbarium and any other unfinished work. In my case, I’d started a big spring cleaning which I planned to finish by the end of the summer! Hopefully I will now, at last!

Cascades Fluff Tuff back to school

Photo credits: iStock

3. Make a photo album of your vacation

When I was small, we had no choice but to develop our photos. Then came the arduous task of capturing the memories by adding captions next to the people’s names in chronological order. Since digital devices have gained in popularity, I’ve lost my touch in this regard. Now the process is so much easier. Using one of the many apps available today, I try to make at least 1 to 4 photobooks a year. I also send them to my in-laws who live far away. It’s a great way to relive wonderful memories (and shhh, between you and me, it’s a great way to skip the bedtime story. Ha ha!)

Suggestions for apps or services for creating photo albums:
Jean-Coutu photobooks
Apple photo printing service
Vistaprint online service

cascades fluff tuff back to school
Photo credits: iStock

4. Make your own lunch cookbook:

Yes I know, there are numerous recipe sites to choose from, but once in a while it’s also fun to put down the tablet, roll up your sleeves and create something. In order to subscribe to meal boxes, my daughter often helps me choose what we will be eating for supper just by looking at the picture!

All you need to do is take a notebook and enter recipes that you’ve found on the Internet or have been handed down by family members, and draw pictures or paste photos of what the recipe should look like. I also include the credits. This way, if there’s a mistake, I can refer to the source.

Note: sometimes the imagination runs wild and you end up with chocolate tortellini with asparagus (she’s not quite ready for MasterChef yet!), but it’s a lot of fun and practical for preparing to go back to school, which can soon enough become routine.

You can also refer to many different websites on how to make your own recipe book! There are numerous low-cost templates or even free templates in Word to download and print.

 cookbook back to school

Photo credits: iStock h